My son outgrew his store-bought Jake costume, so I made him a new costume. The problem with a store-bought jumpsuit-style costume is you have to take the whole costume off in order to use the restroom. But since this DIY costume functions like real clothes, it won't have that problem.
This costume was actually made from upcycled clothing.
I made the vest from a thrifted blue hoodie and yellow T-shirt.
I made the shirt out of a hole-y men's undershirt and black scraps from my quilt project.
The pants are just any pair of blue jeans that my son wears.
The boots are from the original Jake costume.
The bandana is from the original Jake costume.
First I started with the blue vest.
Step 1: I cut off the sleeves from the hoodie.
Step 2: I removed the hood & front pocket. Then I cut straight down the center of the front.
Step 3: I used the material from the sleeves to make the collar flaps. I pinned them to the vest collar.
Here's the front (left) & back (right) of the collar.
Here's the front (left) & back (right) of the collar.
Step 5: I cut a yellow T-shirt into strips and used the strips to line the edges & collar of the vest.
Now onto the pirate shirt. I started off with one of my husband's old undershirts. It had a few holes in it, which was perfect for the tattered effect.
Step 1: Spread out the adult shirt flat on the floor.
Step 2: Placed one of my son's T-shirts on top of the adult shirt. My son's shirt served as a pattern.
Step 3: I cut around my son's T-shirt, leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
Step 4: I sewed up the edges of the fabric to make at new shirt.
Step 5: I cut a through the front and back of the sleeves.
Step 6: I cut a slit in the front collar, then sewed two pieces of black ribbon (also upcycled) into an X over the slit.
To assemble the costume, all my son needs to do is wear ANY PAIR of blue jeans, put on the boot covers, put on the pirate shirt & vest, and put on the bandana headband.Yay-hay, way to go Mateys! We just made a pirate costume! Yo-ho, let's go have some fun! Arrgh!